The difference between a psychopath and a non-psychopath is that the non-psychopath will hesitate to act “immorally,” whatever that means according to his code of conduct, or yours, even when he’s drunk. I’ve had plenty of chances to pork the girlfriends of friends or steal girls from friends when drunk, but my first thought is always “How is he going to feel about this?”

Now, the complexity of this is great, because while this is a compassionate viewpoint, there is also the question of “Are you afraid he’ll be upset, or are you afraid he’ll be mad at you and won’t be your friend anymore?”

If it’s the latter, you’re not thinking compassionately, you’re thinking selfishly but under the guise of compassion. But this is a discussion for another time.

If he seems not to have this safeguards in place, he could be a psychopath. Or he’s had a lot of experience and has simply made his moral calculations long ago. Hard to tell. 


Wow.  This is me.  i am psychopathic sociopathic and machievallistic.  

I have no real compassion towards others.  

I lack sympathy.  I use guilt as a weapon.  

My ex-friend would do this very regularly. My skills with women eclipsed his, so if there was a girl he was courting and he wanted to make sure I didn’t steal her, he would tell me something like “Hey, man, I would really appreciate it if you didn’t flirt with this chick.” This is something a psychopath might say. They lack sympathy, so their default mode is to treat everyone else as if they are opportunistic psychopaths, since for them, such is the norm, so they expect similar behavior from others. This is the Psychopath’s Curse. They innately see the universe as hostile.


This is totally me.  well, what can I do to install a sympathy program?  You can't change personalities. 

I am surer than ever that i am a machiavallistic sociopathic psychopath.  

How can people like us lead peaceful lives?

Well, we can't.  Because we see the universe as hostile.  

So we will live like devils, carelessly having sex and trashing people when they are no longer convenient to us.  

No, if we want to be like all the others and believe in a sympathetic universe (which is bullshit)

we need to become sympathetic ourselves.  lets think about other people's emotions and not what convenience they can present to us.  

how am i supposed to do that?  That isn't very realistic. 

other people are capable of it but i am not. 

Never have been.  

i am psychopathic which means I will spend my life forever alone.  Maybe I will have a partner, with whom I will have mutual conveniences.  

But I will always live in numbers and never in emotions.  

I guess sympathy is something I have to spend my life trying to figure out.